Quanti-Gold is a cheap, quick and easy assay to quantify the uptake of gold nanoparticles by cells without needing sophisticated hardware like mass spectrometry.It is especially useful as a first screen to optimise conditions for future detailed work.
The process is represented in the following diagram.


Quantifying the gold content in your samples is achieved by pixel densitometry by using a standard curve of known amounts of gold nanoparticles. The gold content is quantified by using a gray scale pixel density based method using the digital image of the assay results. Alternatively, it may be used as a semi-quantitative assay by visual comparison with the standard curve.

The assay has a sensitivity of approximately 106 nanoparticles per microliter.

Quanti-Gold is a simple blotting based assay to quantify the gold content of cellular samples. It is ideal for initial screening of how your cells interact with gold nanoparticles and can save you time and valuable research funds. 

Main features

Place order now under Assay Kits section
or via sales@nanobiosols.com  from £199 per kit (Purchase order number required)
 Enquire about discounted price for inclusion of custom gold preparations.


NEW  Quanti-Gold can also be used to optimise your own gold conjugation preparations by quantifiable dot blots to confiirm reactivity and monitor shelf life.                  Order  QG-100 (100ml) or QG 200 (200ml)